It has been a rocky start in my case into this class but so far pieces have been moving, and there is an understanding of our roles in this project. The roles have been defined. The project that I chose and I do believe it is a great fit for me is Maria’s proposal about Great British Baking Show as it is the closest to my skill set and to my understanding of a DH project. Looking forward to working on this piece going forwards, and I there is also understanding that extra pair of hands is always useful when taking on a mammoth work.
I am a researcher at heart and I do tend to use research using Open source tools and websites. I am particularly interested in meme culture, and a big proponent of Braudelian historical narratives. Of course there is also an understanding of not trusting everything that you read or hear on the internet but still it is an invaluable tool in the hands of a researcher. I tend to focus on system building aspect of society, history and technology. Digital Humanities project seem like a great endeavor and a team building aspect sometimes scare me but there is an understanding that solo work is rocky and the folly of it can hamper the horizon of the exercise. In this sense I am an introvert and sometimes things can take beyond my comfort zone. But in this class almost everyone is already known and the work can move more comfortably.